For Industrial Kitchen & Restaurant Parts & Maintenance in Erbil, Iraq

Industrial Services & Solutions

We're Proud to Help you With...


Spare Parts

Industrial kitchen and restaurant spare parts from the original suppliers and brands that work perfectly 100%

Cold Rooms

Designing, manufacturing, installing & fixing all kind of cold rooms & walk-in refrigerators and freezers

Installation & Fixing

Fixing, Installing and running all kind of Industrial Kitchen & Restaurants appliances and equipment

Consulting & Advices

Help you with your kitchen design, buying equipment & decisions making

Door Gaskets

Best Tailor-Made, High-Quality Door Gaskets for Ovens, Refrigerators, Freezers and Cold Rooms


Do you want to start a business?

We're here to be with from your first step till Receiving your first customer, From Planning to designing and buying till assembling and installing all your equipment

Don't Hesitate...


Focus only on your customer

Don't worry about a thing. you need only to focus on your customers while we take care of the kitchen's problems with our experienced team and our original spare parts

We're always here

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about our services, feel free to contact us.